
When you become a Commissioned Member of the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or, you begin a journey through a series of ranks, each of which is celebrated by opening progressively larger bottles of Champagne, and each of which entitles you to new regalia to wear at our events. In addition, members of the UK & Ireland Embassy also receive parallel appointments in the Order of the Golden Sabre, with additional regalia that is worn alongside that of the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or.


The first rank is Chevalier, which is marked by opening a regular bottle of Champagne. Chevaliers wear a green and gold collar with their cork appended (the Reliquaire), and either a neck decoration or a ribbon (the former traditionally worn with male dress, the latter with female).


The next rank is Officier, which is marked by the sabrage of a magnum (containing two bottles’ worth of Champagne). The Officier’s Reliquaire is shaped like a Champagne cap bearing our emblem, and is appended to a chain; it is also accompanied by a neck decoration or a ribbon.


The next rank is Commandeur, which is commemorated by the sabrage of a Jeroboam (three litres/four bottles). Some members hold the bottle as one might hold a regular bottle or a magnum, but others prefer to place it upright on a table and perform vertical sabrage. The Commandeur’s Reliquaire is a roundel depicting a Champagne glass with our emblem, and is again accompanied by a neck decoration or ribbon.

Grand Commandeur

The highest rank is Grand Commandeur, which sees the honorand perform the sabrage of a Methusalem (six litres/eight bottles). Given the size and sheer weight of this mighty bottle, this is almost always performed vertically, and is truly a sight to behold! The Reliquaire of a Grand Commandeur is a neck decoration depicting the globe, encircled by two curved golden sabres; it is accompanied by a large star with our emblem in the centre.

Sign me up!

If you would like to learn more about joining the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or and starting your journey toward the heady heights of becoming a Grand Commandeur, click below: