Grim’s Dyke 2024

Many of you will no doubt feel that summer took its time to arrive this year, with a number of false starts. The fifth of July was no exception—rather than clear skies and sunshine, those of us who made our way to Grim’s Dyke for the annual sabrage dinner were treated to torrential rain. Fortunately, the warm welcome from Kavita and the team meant that we soon forgot our weather-related woes, and settled in to a wonderful evening with plentiful Champagne and a delicious five-course banquet.

A number of new friends performed Novice Sabrage, and George and Jaki Kennedy-Copeland were promoted to Commandeur. The cork popped from the first Jeroboam as soon as the cage was removed because someone had neglected to mention to us that they had dropped the bottle before bringing it in (!), but our newly promoted couple were very good sports about it, jointly opening the remaining one flawlessly, then seeing off an additional bottle or two for good measure!


  • To Commandeur: George Kennedy-Copeland, Jaki Kennedy-Copeland

Learn more about our ranks here, or apply for membership here.


Many photos courtesy of Sanjeev Gupta (@thebubblybloke)

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